Red One (2024) is a holiday-themed action-adventure film that reimagines the Christmas genre. When Santa Claus (J.K. Simmons) is kidnapped, Callum Drift (Dwayne Johnson), the North Pole's Head of Security, teams up with Jack O'Malley (Chris Evans), a notorious bounty hunter, to rescue him. Their mission takes them on a globe-trotting journey filled with unexpected challenges and festive thrills.
Screen Rant
Genre:Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Holiday
Movie Insider
Director:Jake Kasdan
Main Cast:
Dwayne Johnson as Callum Drift
Chris Evans as Jack O'Malley
J.K. Simmons as Santa Claus
Lucy Liu as Zoe
Kiernan Shipka as Gryla
Bonnie Hunt as Mrs. Claus
Nick Kroll as Elf
Kristofer Hivju as Krampus
Wesley Kimmel as Young Elf