In the war-torn kingdom of Brea, Diana (Natalie Burn), a fearless outlaw, embarks on a perilous journey to rescue a kidnapped princess held captive by the ruthless Lord Roland (Kevin Sorbo). Accompanied by her loyal brothers and a band of courageous allies, Diana must traverse treacherous terrains and battle fierce orcs, pushing her skills and determination to their limits.
As the stakes rise, Diana discovers that this quest is more than a rescue mission—it’s her chance to bring hope and justice back to a broken world. The Last Redemption is an epic tale of heroism, redemption, and the power of unity in the face of overwhelming odds.
Main Cast:
Natalie Burn as Diana
Kevin Sorbo as Lord Roland
James Cosmo as The Oracle
Angus Macfadyen as General Harlan
Liam McIntyre as Kael, Diana’s brother
Amelia Eve as Princess Elira
A visually stunning fantasy adventure, The Last Redemption captures the essence of courage and sacrifice in the fight against tyranny.