In this fast-paced action thriller, Octavio Bergmann (Emilio Sakraya), a skilled mixed martial arts fighter, faces an impossible dilemma when he promises his young daughter, Leonie, that he will be at her birthday party with a special surprise. With a high-stakes match looming, Octavio decides to abandon the fight in order to keep his promise. However, his journey across Berlin to reach his daughter becomes a race against time.
As Octavio navigates through dangerous situations and is pursued by adversaries determined to stop him, the clock is ticking, and he has just 60 minutes to make it to his daughter. This thrilling tale of family, sacrifice, and perseverance is filled with suspense and action, as Octavio fights not only for victory in the ring but for his relationship with his daughter.
Main Cast:
Emilio Sakraya as Octavio Bergmann
Dennis Mojen as Paul Lehmann
Marie Mouroum as Cosima
Paul Wollin as Chino
Florian Schmidtke as Winkler
60 Minutes is a heart-racing action movie that emphasizes the lengths a father will go to for his child.