Set on the Tobin Memorial Bridge in Boston, Aftermath follows Eric Daniels (Dylan Sprouse), a former Army Ranger grappling with PTSD. Eric and his teenage sister, Madeleine (Megan Stott), are caught in a deadly hostage situation after a bomb explosion isolates the bridge.
A group of heavily armed ex-military contractors, led by the ruthless war criminal Jimmy Roken (Mason Gooding), takes control of the scene. As tensions escalate, Eric must use his military expertise to protect his sister and the other hostages. Battling his inner demons and external dangers, Eric embarks on a high-stakes mission to outsmart the attackers and save lives.
Main Cast:
Dylan Sprouse as Eric Daniels
Mason Gooding as Jimmy Roken
Megan Stott as Madeleine Daniels
Dichen Lachman as Samantha Brown
Kevin Chapman in a supporting role
Aftermath is a heart-pounding action thriller that explores resilience, family, and the fight for survival under unimaginable circumstances.