In this exciting sequel to My Spy (2020), retired CIA operative JJ (Dave Bautista) and his spirited 14-year-old stepdaughter Sophie (Chloe Coleman) find themselves in the middle of an international crisis. What starts as a family vacation in Italy turns into a high-stakes mission when JJ is called back into action to prevent a nuclear attack on Vatican City.
With Sophie eager to prove her espionage skills, the unlikely duo teams up again, navigating through Rome’s iconic landmarks while dodging assassins and outsmarting a cunning criminal mastermind. Blending humor, action, and heart, My Spy: The Eternal City showcases the power of family and teamwork in saving the day.
Genre: Action, Comedy
Director: Peter Segal
Main Cast:
Dave Bautista as JJ
Chloe Coleman as Sophie
Kristen Schaal as Bobbi
Ken Jeong in a supporting role
Flula Borg in a supporting role
Anna Faris in a supporting role