Monkey Man marks the directorial debut of Dev Patel, who also stars as Kid, a former convict turned underground street fighter in modern-day India. Struggling to navigate a corrupt and unjust society, Kid embarks on a quest for vengeance after his mother’s tragic death at the hands of the elite.
As he uncovers a web of deceit and power, Kid must confront ruthless criminals and his own past to bring justice to those who have wronged him. The film combines high-octane action with an exploration of themes like corruption, inequality, and redemption, all set against the vibrant yet gritty backdrop of India.
Action, Thriller
Dev Patel
Main Cast:
Dev Patel as Kid
Sharlto Copley as a corrupt antagonist
Sobhita Dhulipala as a pivotal ally to Kid
Sikandar Kher in a key supporting role
Blending stylized action with emotional depth, Monkey Man is an adrenaline-fueled journey of retribution and self-discovery.