Haunting in Venice is a supernatural mystery film directed by Kenneth Branagh, based on Agatha Christie's 1969 novel Hallowe'en Party. The film follows famed detective Hercule Poirot, played by Branagh, who is living in retirement in Venice. During a private Halloween gathering at a decaying Venetian palace, Poirot is invited to investigate the mysterious death of a young medium, who supposedly communicated with the dead.
The party turns to terror as Poirot uncovers dark secrets, leading him to question whether the haunting results from supernatural forces or something more sinister. As Poirot delves deeper into the mystery, he is forced to confront his fears and doubt the reality of what is happening around him. The story explores themes of grief, loss, and the nature of evil.
Main Cast:
Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot
Tina Fey as Bartholomew "Thelma" Paredes
Jamie Dornan as Dr. Leslie Ferrier
Michelle Yeoh as Ariadne Oliver
Judi Dench as Mrs. Ferrier
Kelly Reilly as Rowena Drake
Riccardo Scamarcio as Vittorio
Ali Khan as Maxime Gerard
Camille Cottin as Sarah
Emma Laird as Alessandra Ferrier
Dylan Corbett-Howard as James Ferrier