Si-young (Kim Yoon-hye), a passionate dance major, is cast alongside her friend Chae-Yoon (Song Yi-jae) in an avant-garde art film that merges dance with shamanic rituals. Under the eccentric direction of a mysterious filmmaker, they perform intricate geometric dance routines designed to replicate ancient ceremonial practices.
As the production progresses, strange and chilling events disrupt the set, beginning with the inexplicable resurrection of a crew member who falls from the roof. The line between performance and reality blurs, plunging the cast and crew into a nightmarish sequence of supernatural occurrences. The Sin is a gripping tale of art, tradition, and the dark forces that intertwine them.
Main Cast:
Kim Yoon-hye as Si-young
Song Yi-jae as Chae-yoon
Park Ji-hoon as Hwi-wook
Lee Sang-ah as Mrs. Yoo
This South Korean horror thriller combines unsettling atmosphere with cultural mysticism, leaving audiences questioning the cost of artistic ambition.