Set in a chilling, near-future Europe, Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End follows Manel (Francisco Ortiz), a reclusive Galician lawyer struggling to move on after the death of his wife. His isolated life is upended when a deadly viral outbreak rapidly spreads, turning the infected into feral, zombie-like creatures.
Manel must confront unimaginable horrors as he ventures into the chaos to reunite with his family. Along the way, he joins forces with survivors, including the resourceful Lucía (Berta Vázquez) and the enigmatic Viktor Pritchenko (José María Yazpik). Together, they navigate a world where trust is scarce, and danger lurks around every corner.
As society crumbles, Manel discovers that survival is not just about staying alive—it's about holding onto one's humanity amidst the apocalypse.
Action, Thriller, Zombie
Carles Torrens
Main Cast:
Francisco Ortiz as Manel
José María Yazpik as Viktor Pritchenko
Berta Vázquez as Lucía
Iria del Río as Julia
Marta Poveda as Belén
Blending pulse-pounding action with emotional depth, Apocalypse Z: The Beginning of the End redefines the zombie apocalypse genre with its gripping narrative and compelling characters.