In this chilling horror thriller, Patrick McKee (Sam Claflin) returns to his childhood home with his wife Karina (Antonia Thomas) and their young son Jake (Caréll Rhoden) after years of trying to forget a dark past. Patrick's fears resurface when he encounters the Bagman, a sinister figure who haunted his youth and is responsible for abducting children.
As the Bagman begins to target Jake, Patrick must confront his deepest fears and uncover the truth behind the malevolent force. With time running out, he and his family are thrust into a terrifying battle to survive and break free from the Bagman's grip.
Horror, Thriller
Colm McCarthy
Main Cast:
Sam Claflin as Patrick McKee
Antonia Thomas as Karina McKee
Caréll Rhoden as Jake McKee
Steven Cree as Liam McKee
William Hope as Chief Isaacs
Adelle Leonce as Anna
Frankie Corio as Emily Young
Sharon D. Clarke as Barbara
Dark, suspenseful, and emotionally gripping, Bagman explores themes of family, trauma, and the shadows of childhood fears.