Force of Nature: The Dry 2 is a gripping mystery-thriller and a sequel to the critically acclaimed The Dry. Directed by Robert Connolly, the film brings back the investigative tension of its predecessor. This time, Federal Agent Aaron Falk is thrust into a high-stakes wilderness mystery.
The story begins when an informant goes missing during a corporate hiking retreat with four other women. As Falk and his team sort through conflicting testimonies, they must uncover the truth before time runs out, battling natural dangers and unraveling hidden secrets among the hikers. The movie explores themes of trust, survival, and the fragility of human relationships.
Main Cast:
Eric Bana as Aaron Falk
Genevieve O'Reilly as Ellen Whitmore
Keir O'Donnell as Greg Raco
Julia Stone as Alice
Deborah Mailman as Sergeant Jones
Nice website