In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by monstrous creatures known as Reapers, humanity is forced to retreat to high altitudes to survive. Former miner Will (Anthony Mackie) embarks on a perilous journey to secure medical supplies for his son Hunter. He teams up with Nina (Morena Baccarin), a scientist determined to find a way to defeat the Reapers, and Katie (Maddie Hasson), a defiant survivor. Together, they discover the creatures are advanced machines, not biological entities, and devise a plan to fight back. Against stunning Colorado landscapes, Elevation explores resilience, loss, and hope amidst chaos.
Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
George Nolfi
Main Cast:
Anthony Mackie as Will
Morena Baccarin as Nina
Maddie Hasson as Katie
Danny Boyd Jr. as Hunter
Rachel Nicks as Tara
The film balances high-stakes action with emotional depth, offering a tense yet visually captivating experience
Roger Ebert