When small-time criminals Mickey (Bill Skarsgård) and Jules (Maika Monroe) rob a convenience store, their getaway is thwarted by a car breakdown. Desperate for refuge, they break into a seemingly empty house, only to uncover a dark secret: the homeowners, George (Jeffrey Donovan) and Gloria (Kyra Sedgwick), are harboring a kidnapped child in their basement. What begins as a quick robbery spirals into a tense battle of wits and survival as Mickey and Jules face off against the twisted couple. Villains is a darkly comedic thriller exploring desperation, morality, and unexpected alliances.
Crime, Comedy, Thriller
Dan Berk, Robert Olsen
Main Cast:
Bill Skarsgård as Mickey
Maika Monroe as Jules
Jeffrey Donovan as George
Kyra Sedgwick as Gloria
This critically acclaimed indie film combines suspenseful storytelling with dark humor, offering a fresh take on the home-invasion genre.